その2:お次ぎはページポーイ頭*で猟銃を振りかざすシリアル・キラーを演じ、「ノーカントリー/No Country for Old Men」に四つ目の賞(最優秀助演男優賞)をもたらしたハビエル・バルデム/Javier Bardem氏の言葉です。そういえば、ジュリアン・シュナーベル/Julian Schnabel監督の「夜になるまえに/Before Night Falls (2000)」で演じたホモセクシュアルのキューバの作家でも主演男優賞にノミネートされてましたね。
Javier Bardem won the fourth Oscar for “No Country,” capturing the best supporting actor for his role as the cattlegun-wielding, pageboy*-wearing serial killer. He thanked the Coens, saying they “put one of the most horrible haircuts in history over my head.” 「史上最もとんでもない髪型にしてくれた」コーエン兄弟に感謝。
・wieldvt. (武器等)を巧みに扱う、(権力など)を振りかざす To handle (a weapon or tool, for example) with skill and ease. To exercise (authority or influence, for example) effectively.
*pageboy n. A hairstyle, usually shoulder-length, with the ends of the hair curled under smoothly in a loose roll.
solicitor n. 法務官、弁護士*/裁判の申し立て、勧誘、寄付依頼、選挙活動、注文取り、などなど何かをお願いする人 *私はちんぷんかんぷんのぷんぷんぷんですが、弁護士にもいろいろ種類があるんですねー。"solicitor"の詳しい定義はこちら。
solicit [sэli'sэt] vt. (〜を)懇願する、求める
Will Smith Wins a Libel Suit
Will Smith has received an apology and damages from a news agency after it falsely accused him of saying Hitler was “a good person,” the BBC reported. World Entertainment News Network published the article “Smith: Hitler Was A Good Person” in December, after which Mr. Smith sued for libel in a London court. “The defendant accepts that the allegations concerning the claimant were misleading and published in error,” the agency’s solicitor said.