Dec 13, 2007

the fourth wall/第4の壁

I like Woody Allen→ talking to the people who are watching the movie through the camera in his movies such as "Annie Hall". Woody didn't do this in "Anything Else", but the main character, Jerry Falk (played by Jason Biggs) did it instead of Woody.



The fourth wall is sometimes included as part of the narrative, when a character discovers that they are part of a fiction and 'breaks the fourth wall' to make contact with their audience, as seen in films likeTom Jones, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1963, Woody Allen's The Purple Rose of Cairo, and Jonathan Gash's Lovejoy novels. In these situations however, the 'fourth wall' that the character breaks remains part of the overall narrative and the wall between the real audience and the fiction remains intact. These sorts of stories do not actually break the fourth wall in the strictest sense, but are more properly referred to as metafiction, or fiction that refers to the conventions of fiction.

See ya!
にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 洋書・映画の英語へにほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記へ←ランキングに参加しています。よろしくお願いしまーす。

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