“We’ve positioned this movie from the beginning as ‘the Super Bowl for women,’ ” said Chris Carlisle, president(1) for marketing at New Line Cinema, part of Time Warner, borrowing a phrase used by Madison Avenue(2) to celebrate(3) the large female audience for the annual broadcasts of the Academy Awards.
「我々はこのエーガをはじめっから「女のスーパーボール」と位置づけてるんです。」Time Warnerの子会社、New Line Cinemaの営業部部長であるChris Carlisleさんは、米国広告業界で用いられる、毎年恒例アカデミー賞授賞式の放送を観るもんのすごい数の女性たちを讃えるフレーズを拝借してこう言った。
The chief officer of a branch of government, corporation, board of trustees, university, or similar body.
(2)Madison Avenue / マディソン・アベニュー
The term "Madison Avenue" is often used metonynously for advertising, and Madison Avenue became identified with the advertising industry after the explosive growth in this area in the 1920s.
ちなみにこれはSuper Ball

そしてこれがSuper Bowl
